"Solving Your Extrusion Needs"
Extrusion Solutions provides Training Seminars on a regular basis. These are presented through REE (Rauwendaal Extrusion Engineering), the SPE (Society of Plastics Engineers), and Special in-house seminars tailored for your specific needs. Since in-house seminars are more cost effective they can provide training specifically for your process with mulitiple attendees without the cost of travel and inconvience to your people.
Seminars are conducted professionally by specialists in their area of expertise. Many of our instructors are world-class-speakers and well known throughout our industry.
If you would like to be emailed listings on the Seminars Program, kindly fill out the form on the "Contact Us" webpage.
Next Scheduled Seminars:
3 Day Seminar Presented By Extrusion Solutions, LLC & Amato Extrusion Services LLC
Download Seminar Registration Form